Gain insights into your product's carbon footprint

Understand and reduce the environmental footprint of your products

Yook software dashboard displaying a comprehensive overview of carbon footprints for all products
Yook software snapshot: Seamless product import process, simplifying data entry and accelerating your sustainability journey.

data gathering

Effortless data collection

Streamline data collection for sustainable impact and efficiency

  • Automate data gathering to save valuable time and resources
  • Seamlessly integrate with ERP/PLM systems for effortless and efficient data collection
  • Enhance data integrity and reliability by automating data validation and verification
Yook software: Intelligent data gap identification and data gap filling

data analysis

Intelligent data analysis

Gain valuable insights and bridge data gaps effortlessly

  • Get started with product carbon footprint analysis even with incomplete data sets
  • Automatically fill data gaps with industry standard information and benchmarks

accuracy score

Ensuring data integrity & precision

Enhance the reliability of your carbon footprint calculations and drive informed sustainability decisions

  • Complete & reliable data: Ensure complete and reliable data for accurate carbon footprint calculations
  • Prevent underestimation: Account for data limitations to avoid underestimating carbon footprints
  • Enhanced credibility: Build trust and confidence with stakeholders through transparent and robust carbon footprint calculations
Yook software snapshot: Seamless product import process, simplifying data entry and accelerating your sustainability journey.

for large product portfolios

Scalable for all business sizes

Adaptability to meet your evolving needs

  • Sustainable growth made easy: Scalable solution to accommodate businesses of all sizes
  • Seamless integration: Effortless integration into existing systems & workflows for a smooth transition
  • Future-proof: Adaptable functionality to meet evolving sustainability needs and emerging industry standards

Get Product Carbon Intelligence now!

Book a call to dive into the next steps of your products´ sustainability journey.