Making sustainable products the new norm

With Yook, companies can run life cycle analyses in minutes to report on the environmental footprint of their products. Gain actionable, science-based insights for data-driven decarbonisation of your portfolio.

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A detailed view of the material breakdown for a "Scanner Case" showing the climate change impact. The screen displays four main sections: Material (60% share, 0.036 kg CO2e, 80% accuracy), Production (25% share, 0.015 kg CO2e, 70% accuracy), Transportation (10% share, 0.006 kg CO2e, 65% accuracy), and Packaging (5% share, 0.003 kg CO2e, 75% accuracy). Below, a table lists the materials used: Polypropylene and Adhesive, with their respective details like ID, category, supplier, origin, weight, accuracy, and CO2e.

Explore Yook's capabilities

Discover how Yook streamlines your sustainability efforts with powerful tools designed for precision and ease of use.

LCAs at scale

Run life cycle assessment for all your products in minutes not months

Yook´s LCA engine simplifies assessing your products´ environmental footprint to help you navigate all relevant regulations.

Relevant carbon footprint insights
Effortless data collection
Gapless data intelligence
Focused data improvement
Science-backed LCA engine
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A portfolio overview screen showing a list of products with details such as product name, ID, category, weight, accuracy, and CO2e per piece. The highlighted product is a "Scanner" with an ID of SCN 000 101, categorized under "Electronics," weighing 0.09 kg, with an accuracy of 63%, and a CO2e of 12.28 kg. The screen also features a search bar and a category filter.
Seamless, scalable & scientific

We turned LCA methodology into software


Minimising manual effort & errors through full IT landscape integration.


No limit, even large product portfolios can be covered effortlessly.


A non-expert, user-friendly interface to ensure operational embedding.


Tackle various frameworks & regulations, like ISO 14067, GHG Protocol, EU PEF, and CSRD with one data core.


Drive progress rather than merely reporting the status quo.


Leverage our scientific expertise to meet your business goals.


Simulate the environmental impact of your product choices

Utilize Yook´s ecodesign feature to understand and compare the carbon and circularity impact throughout product development.

Simulate product changes
Build decarbonisation scenarios easily
Excellent guidance for non-sustainability experts
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A comparison screen for simulating changes to the "Scanner Case" material from Polypropylene to recycled Polypropylene. The left side shows initial details with Polypropylene, 0% recycling rate, and 0.053 kg CO2e. The right side shows the simulation details with recycled Polypropylene, 100% recycling rate, and 0.023 kg CO2e. The screen displays a side-by-side comparison of emission factors, CO2e, accuracy, share, and MCI.

Smoothly integrate and diminish manual effort

Yook automates imports and syncs data from any source, eliminating manual entry and minimizing errors. Compatible with any PLM, ERP systems, data warehouses, and Excel files.

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Circularity assessment

Assess & communicate the circularity of your products

Apply the global Material Circularity Indicator (MCI) to extract key metrics on circularity and combine them with carbon data for a complete sustainability overview.

Apply the global Material Circularity Indicator (MCI)
Extract relevant circularity metrics
Go holistic - combining carbon & circularity
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A detailed view of the Material Circularity Indicator (MCI) for an "Office Chair," displaying input and output percentages for recycled, reused, biological, and virgin materials. The input is 0% circular and 100% virgin. The output shows 24% recoverable and 76% landfill. The utility factor is 1.50. Below, a table lists materials like Aluminium, Polyester Fiber, Memory Foam, and their respective shares, LFI, utility factors, and MCI scores.

Improve granularity & data insights of your Scope 3 reporting

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Level up your Scope 3.1 (Purchased Goods) data

Move from spend-based to hybrid or full activity-based carbon assessment to get more granular and reliable data insights.

Ensure compliance with evolving regulation

Product-level data assessments ensures you are well-equipped to meet CSRD & other regulations which increasingly requires higher data granularity for carbon hotspots.

Build data that allows for decarbonization tracking

Activity-based carbon assessment enables relevant tracking of decarbonisation efforts as it eliminates external influences (e.g. price changes, inflation).

Product sustainability communication

Enhance transparency and drive action

Leverage Yook’s tools to offer customers clear insights and actionable options for carbon offsetting, strengthening your brand’s commitment to sustainability.

Showcase entire product portfolios with clear carbon footprints
Enable carbon offsetting at checkout for immediate contributions
Customize displays to align with your brand identity
Provide transparent impact reporting for deeper customer trust
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Yook Carbon Footprint Badge displayed on a product page for a wireless mouse. The badge shows a total carbon footprint of 7.25 kg CO2e, with a detailed breakdown: 72% from materials, 22% from production, 4% from transport, and 2% from packaging. The badge also includes a pie chart for visual representation and indicates medium accuracy. Text below the footprint highlights the importance of knowing the carbon footprint to reduce it and mentions the GHG Protocol Product Standard as the framework used.

Don’t take our word, take theirs

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jhon carter avatar image

We have gained invaluable insights into the carbon impact of our products. Utilizing Yook’s data, we can confidently communicate the positive impact of our products, differentiate ourselves from competitors, and drive sustainable growth.

Clara Leitz, Sustainability Lead at everdrop
andy smith avatar image

Working together with Yook, we at Delius/Delcotex were astonished by the simplicity of carbon footprint calculation when all relevant facts are at hand. Yook's detailed analysis illuminated many new strategies for us to more rapidly achieve our ambitious climate objectives and to answer our customers' inquiries about our products with newfound competence.

Peter Ellerbrock, Compliance at Delius/Delcotex

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Explore our collection on product sustainability and decarbonization, featuring insights and strategies for improving environmental impact in manufacturing.

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